Emouvant, le message de Youssou Ndour à Sadio Mané : « Gathié Ngalama, Dem Nga Ba…»

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Emouvant, le message de Youssou Ndour à Sadio Mané

Sadio Mane gathié ngalama,
le premier sénégalais qui a marqué un but en finale de la League des champions.
Dem gua ba diexxx, dalal gua sugnou xeel.
fier de toi !!!
Youssou Ndour

Ligue des champions: Le double record de Sadio Mané

En marquant en finale de la Ligue des Champions contre le Real Madrid, Sadio Mané a inscrit son 10e but en 11 matchs de ligue des champions disputés cette saison pour une passe décisive.

during the UEFA Champions League Final between Real Madrid and Liverpool at NSC Olimpiyskiy Stadium on May 26, 2018 in Kiev, Ukraine.

(THE SUN OUT, THE SUN ON SUDNAY OUT) of Liverpool during the UEFA Champions League final between Real Madrid and Liverpool on May 26, 2018 in Kiev, Ukraine.
during the UEFA Champions League Final between Real Madrid and Liverpool at NSC Olimpiyskiy Stadium on May 26, 2018 in Kiev, Ukraine.
during the UEFA Champions League Final between Real Madrid and Liverpool at NSC Olimpiyskiy Stadium on May 26, 2018 in Kiev, Ukraine.
during the UEFA Champions League Final between Real Madrid and Liverpool at NSC Olimpiyskiy Stadium on May 26, 2018 in Kiev, Ukraine.
during the UEFA Champions League Final between Real Madrid and Liverpool at NSC Olimpiyskiy Stadium on May 26, 2018 in Kiev, Ukraine.

→ A LIRE AUSSI : (40 Photos) Finale C1 : Les larmes de Sadio Mané et ses coéquipiers !

→ A LIRE AUSSI : (Vidéo) Admirez l’ambiance de folie à l’Ucad, les étudiants chantent Sadio Mané !

→ A LIRE AUSSI : (Vidéo) Finale ligue des champions – Sadio Mané égalise pour Liverpool ! Admirez


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