Naples : l’hommage du stade San Paolo à Kalidou Koulibaly Trois jours après les débordements racistes dont a été victime le défenseur du Napoli Kalidou Koulibaly, au stade Giuseppe-Meazza, lors de la rencontre de Serie A face à l’Inter Milan, le club napolitain recevait Bologne, dans son stade San Paolo, pour le compte de la 19e et dernière journée de la phase aller.
Alors que le défenseur napolitain était suspendu pour cette rencontre, le public présent au stade lui a rendu un vibrant hommage. De nombreux portraits du joueur, mais également des masques à son effigie et des pancartes de soutien ont été brandis par les supporters présents, petits et grands.
Le hashtag #SiamoTuttiKoulibaly (#noussommestousKoulibaly) a même vu le jour sur Twitter. Tout le peuple napolitain uni derrière Kalidou Koulibaly. Le joueur de Naples a reçu un grand soutien suite aux attaques racistes dont il a été la victime lors du déplacement sur le stade de l’Inter. Et c’est un grand mouvement de solidarité qui s’est créé lors de la réception de Vologna, où tous ont souhaité lui manifester leur soutien. La plupart des gradins du stade de Sao Paolo ont répondu en choeur aux attaques dont a été victime Koulibaly et tous les supporters n’ont fait qu’un au moment d’apporter leur soutien. Certains brandissaient des photos du joueur, d’autres se sont maquillés et certains arboraient son maillot.
De nombreuses pancartes ont également pu être vues, condamnant les actes racistes et apportant leur soutien à un joueur qui a entendu de nombreux chants racistes à son égard. Mais cette fois, le respect a triomphé et Koulibaly a souhaité manifesté sa reconnaissance via un message posté sur ses réseaux sociaux, accompagné d’une galerie d’images qui résumaient les différentes attentions à son égard. « Les émotions de ce jour et cette victoire resteront à jamais gravées dans mon coeur : merci », a écrit le joueur du club italien sur son compte officiel instagram.
STADIO SAN PAOLO, NAPLES, CAMPANIA, ITALY – 2018/12/29: Napoli fans wear the mask of koulibaly to protest against racism during the Serie A football match between SSC Napoli and Bologna FC at San Paolo Stadium. (Photo by Ernesto Vicinanza/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images)29th December 2018, Stadio San Paolo, Naples, Italy; Serie A football, Napoli versus Bologna; Napoli fans show their support for Kalidou Koulibaly after he was racially abused in the previous game against Inter Milan (photo by NaFoto/Action Plus via Getty Images)29th December 2018, Stadio San Paolo, Naples, Italy; Serie A football, Napoli versus Bologna; Napoli fans show their support for Kalidou Koulibaly after he was racially abused in the previous game against Inter Milan (photo by NaFoto/Action Plus via Getty Images)29th December 2018, Stadio San Paolo, Naples, Italy; Serie A football, Napoli versus Bologna; Napoli fans show their support for Kalidou Koulibaly after he was racially abused in the previous game against Inter Milan (photo by NaFoto/Action Plus via Getty Images)NAPLES, ITALY – DECEMBER 29: Fans hold up a picture of SSC Napoli player Kalidou Koulibaly during the Serie A match between SSC Napoli and Bologna FC at Stadio San Paolo on December 29, 2018 in Naples, Italy. (Photo by Ciro Sarpa SSC NAPOLI/SSC NAPOLI via Getty Images)TOPSHOT – Napoli fans hold porTaits of Napoli’s Senegalese defender Kalidou Koulibaly during the Italian Serie A football match Napoli vs Bologna on December 29, 2018 at the San Paolo stadium in Naples. – Napoli’s French-born Koulibaly was targeted by monkey noises and racist chants on December 26, 2018 at the San Siro stadium in Milan, before being sent off for sarcastically applauding the referee. (Photo by Carlo Hermann / AFP) (Photo credit should read CARLO HERMANN/AFP/Getty Images)NAPLES, ITALY – DECEMBER 29: SSC Napoli supporters show their support to Kalidou Koulibaly before the Serie A match between SSC Napoli and Bologna FC at Stadio San Paolo on December 29, 2018 in Naples, Italy. (Photo by Francesco Pecoraro/Getty Images)NAPLES, ITALY – DECEMBER 29: SSC Napoli supporters show their support to Kalidou Koulibaly before the Serie A match between SSC Napoli and Bologna FC at Stadio San Paolo on December 29, 2018 in Naples, Italy. (Photo by Francesco Pecoraro/Getty Images)NAPLES, ITALY – DECEMBER 29: SSC Napoli supporters show their support to Kalidou Koulibaly before the Serie A match between SSC Napoli and Bologna FC at Stadio San Paolo on December 29, 2018 in Naples, Italy. (Photo by Francesco Pecoraro/Getty Images)NAPLES, ITALY – DECEMBER 29: SSC Napoli supporters show their support to Kalidou Koulibaly before the Serie A match between SSC Napoli and Bologna FC at Stadio San Paolo on December 29, 2018 in Naples, Italy. (Photo by Francesco Pecoraro/Getty Images)Young Napoli fans hold a portrait of Napoli’s Senegalese defender Kalidou Koulibaly reading « Although I am small, I’m a man like Koulibaly » prior to the Italian Serie A football match Napoli vs Bologna on December 29, 2018 at the San Paolo stadium in Naples. – Napoli’s French-born Koulibaly was targeted by monkey noises and racist chants on December 26, 2018 at the San Siro stadium in Milan, before being sent off for sarcastically applauding the referee. (Photo by Carlo Hermann / AFP) (Photo credit should read CARLO HERMANN/AFP/Getty Images)Napoli fans hold porraits of Napoli’s Senegalese defender Kalidou Koulibaly prior to the Italian Serie A football match Napoli vs Bologna on December 29, 2018 at the San Paolo stadium in Naples. – Napoli’s French-born Koulibaly was targeted by monkey noises and racist chants on December 26, 2018 at the San Siro stadium in Milan, before being sent off for sarcastically applauding the referee. (Photo by Carlo Hermann / AFP) (Photo credit should read CARLO HERMANN/AFP/Getty Images)
A Napoli fan holds a portrait of Napoli’s Senegalese defender Kalidou Koulibaly reading « We are all Kalidou » prior to the Italian Serie A football match Napoli vs Bologna on December 29, 2018 at the San Paolo stadium in Naples. – Napoli’s French-born Koulibaly was targeted by monkey noises and racist chants on December 26, 2018 at the San Siro stadium in Milan, before being sent off for sarcastically applauding the referee. (Photo by Carlo Hermann / AFP) (Photo credit should read CARLO HERMANN/AFP/Getty Images)